Winter Wind Down (8 min)

Winter Wind Down (8 min)


A little helping hand to wind down for bed...I recorded this sound bath for myself one cold winter evening when I found myself too wired to be tired! Needing a helping hand to decompress, I got together with my crystal alchemy singing bowls, dimmed the lights and allowed myself the time to move into a restful state for a better nights sleep. Just 8 minutes long, it's ideal to fit into your evening routine to see you through until we can once again welcome bright mornings and sunny afternoons.

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  • Best enjoyed lying down in a warm room with your head and/or legs supported with cushions and bolsters if needed. Keep a blanket nearby as you’ll soon start to cool down as the body relaxes.

  • Don’t be tempted to set the volume too high, especially if you’re wearing headphones. The more subtle, the more effective.

  • Sip herbal tea or hot water after a sound bath and ease back into your day slowly or go straight to sleep.

  • These sound baths are not designed to heal any symptoms but rather to help support a balanced lifestyle. If you have any concerns please seek medical advice from your GP first.


Once purchased, you will receive two emails in your inbox:

  1. The first email, titled “Your Digital Downloads,” will have a download link to the MP3 file purchased. Click the link and “download.”

  2. The second email, “New Order Confirmed,” will be a confirmation email outlining the product purchased and amount charged.

Any questions or issues with your order, please contact

Please note you have 24 hours to download the file before the link expires.

In the purchasing of services and participation in all activities provided by Jasmine Hemsley Limited you are confirming that you are fully responsible for any and all risks, consequential damages, injury, incidental damages, personal damages or any other damages known or unknown without limitation.


Energise Sound Bath (15 min)

Summer Bird Bath (40 min)

Summer Bird Bath (40 min)

Sleep Soul Sound Bath (60 min)

Sleep Soul Sound Bath (60 min)

Saint Lucia Rainforest (25 min)

Saint Lucia Rainforest (25 min)

Devon Rain (30 min)

Devon Rain (30 min)
